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Seeds 'n Such
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Seeds 'n Such
Company FAQs
Company FAQs
How do I create an account?
How do I log into my account?
How do I request a catalog?
How do I download a catalog order form?
Company Policies
How do I access the Terms of Service?
How do I access the Privacy Policy?
How do I access the Shipping Policy?
How do I access the Warranty + Refund Policy?
Customer Support
How do I subscribe to the mailing list?
Why do my seeds have the "old" logo?
What are the differences in the seed packet sizes?
How long do seeds keep in storage?
How do I find the Seeds 'n Such blog?
Orders + Shipping
In what ways can I place an order?
What are accepted forms of payment?
When will my sweet potato + onion plants ship?
Does Seeds 'n Such ship internationally?
Pricing + Discounts
What is the Mix 'n Match pricing?
How do I use a discount code?
Website Issues
What do I do if the 'X' button won't remove unwanted items from my cart?
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